Belle Beauty: Kids & Cell Phones


Having a cell phone is a rite of passage for most tweens. But how do you know when your kid is ready for a phone? And once they have the phone, how can you make sure they’re safe? It’s definitely a touchy subject and one we’ve dealt with firsthand! Keep reading to learn the pros and cons of giving your child their first phone—plus we’ll share some tips on how to keep them safe. 

Weighing the Pros & Cons of Kids & Cell Phones

Thinking about giving your kid a phone? Here are a few things to consider first:



  • Giving your child a cell phone means you’ll always be able to talk with or text them, which helps you keep tabs on them at all times. That peace of mind is very helpful when parenting a preteen!

  • Phones help your kids stay in contact with their friends (and if they don’t have a phone to contact their friends, their social lives will be RUINED, as we’re sure you already know!)

  • Having a phone means your child will have access to lots of apps, including entertainment, education, and wellness-focused ones. That can definitely be helpful! 



  • Phones are majorly distracting and not just for kids! I’m sure you know your fair share of adults whose eyes are permanently glued to their phones. On the other hand, this could be an opportunity for your child to practice restraint. Just because they have a phone doesn’t mean they have to look at it all the time! And thanks to a host of helpful apps, you’re actually able to limit their screen time. 

  • Having a phone can expose your child to online bullying and even predators. No bueno! 

  • As you already know, phones are expensive! Can your kid be trusted not to lose or break such a valuable piece of technology?

Safety Tips for Kids with Phones

If you want to give your kid a phone, but also want to monitor their usage, there are plenty of apps designed just for that purpose! When we brought up this topic on Instagram, many of our followers suggested the Life 360 app. This app helps your family keep track of each other and even tracks how fast your kids are driving (very helpful when you have teens)! Other apps like Bark can help you monitor your kid’s messages (including social media messages) and alert you of issues like cyberbullying or sexting. If you’re worried that they’ll spend too much time on their phone, iPhones also allow you to set password-protected screen time limits. 

Is Your Kid Ready for a Phone?

So how do you know if your child is ready for a phone? Unfortunately, there’s no “magic age” for cell phone usage. You know your child better than anyone else. If they seem responsible enough to be trusted with this privilege and are willing to follow your rules for using a cell phone, it might be the right time.

Of course, the most important thing when it comes to kids and phones is trust. Before handing over the phone, make sure you lay out some clear ground rules. Some parents even write those rules down and make their kids sign a contract! Clear communication and boundaries are key for safely allowing this new freedom into your kid’s life! 

Meg Delagrange

Designer & Artist located in Denver, Colorado

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